How to profit from chit funds Chit funds are a great way to save money and make a profit. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of chit funds: 1. Save regularly: The key to making a profit from chit funds is to save regularly. By putting away a fixed […]
Things to look for when investing in chit funds? 1. Ensure it is a registered Chit funds Chit funds are a popular savings and investment tool in India, but before you invest your money in one, it’s important to make sure it is a registered chit fund. This will protect you from fraud and ensure […]
Chits Works 1. Join a group and Contribute to the pot Once all slots in a group are filled, the group can start. Every month, each member pays their subscription amount to create the ‘pot’ (the value of this total collection is also known as chit value). 2. Bidding to win the pot Members of […]
Chit Funds History Chit funds are an age old tradition in India that are still going strong. They are a type of savings scheme where a group of people pool their money together and then take turns to withdraw the pot. In this video we explore the history and origins of chit funds, and how […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. We also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. we also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. We also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. we also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. we also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]
Mayavaram Financial Chits Corporation offers an awareness program to help people save money and secure their future. MFC will visit your doorstep and provide you with information on how to invest small today in order to achieve a better tomorrow. we also thank the participants and the management who supported us to conduct this event. […]